How To Deep Clean Your House In One Day

How To Deep Clean Your House In One Day

When dust and dirt start to accumulate, it can often be tempting to quickly run around the house performing spot-cleans of counters, floors and surfaces. The downside is that more time is spent going over each area repeatedly than if you spend a single day deep cleaning all of your home. With a little bit of planning and preparation, you can have a spotless living space in just one day! In this blog post we will delve into how you can deep clean your entire house in just twentyfour hours so that you can enjoy peace-of-mind knowing everything has been thoroughly cleaned.

Gather Supplies

It can be daunting to think about deep cleaning your entire house in one day, but it is possible with the right supplies. Having the right tools for the job and having a plan of action can make the process much less overwhelming. Before you begin, it’s important to take the time to gather all the necessary supplies you will need. Here are some of the supplies you should have on hand:

  • Cleaning cloths
  • Broom and dustpan
  • Vacuum cleaner
  • Mop and bucket
  • Cleaning solutions
  • Sponges and scrubbers
  • Glass cleaner
  • Trash bags


Vacuuming is an essential element of a deep clean. If you want to be rid of dust and debris, vacuuming is the way to go. Before you begin in each room, make sure to start with a good vacuum that has strong suction. It’s important that your vacuum pick up all the dirt and other materials from the floor so it will make the entire cleaning process much easier.

In addition, consider investing in an additional hand-held vacuum if you have any trouble spots like area rugs, stairs or furniture. Furthermore, if your home typically experiences pet hair throughout your carpets, look for a vacuum that offers an attachment specifically designed for pet hair removal.

Some rooms may require different brushes and even wet vacuums too! When vacuuming curtains and other fabric surfaces like mattresses, couches and chairs use a more delicate brush to ensure fabrics are not damaged while they are being cleaned of dust and dirt particles. Additionally, spot clean stains on carpets before starting the vacuum if needed – this will allow for more effective cleaning when it’s time to use your vacuum cleaner on these areas of your home again.


If your house has hard surfaces, you will need a mop. Choose a lightweight, easy-to-handle mop that won’t take up too much time and effort while you are deep cleaning. You may even want to get two mops – one with an attached bucket for soaking and wringing the mop head so that one is always ready to use, and another spare dry mop for sweeping up dirt and dust. Depending on the size of your home, you may also want a few extra towels for any tough stains on floors or walls.

A sponge mop is great for getting into all the corners and crevices between tiles, baseboards or walls whereas cotton or microfiber string looped mops are perfect for getting into hard to reach areas and for cleaning larger floors quickly. Consider investing in a professional steam cleaner machine if needed; it can save lots of time deep cleaning heavy foot traffic areas such as entry ways or bathrooms.

Cleaning supplies

Having the right cleaning supplies on hand is essential for tackling a deep clean of your entire house. Stock up on all-purpose cleaner, tile grout cleaner, glass cleaner and specialty cleaners for stubborn areas such as bathrooms and ovens. Don’t forget sponges, scouring pads, scrubbing brushes and a few good rags!

Grab an arsenal of mops to handle all your floors – steam mops are effective against germs in bathrooms and other small spaces; spray mops are great for hardwood floors; microfiber pads work well for floors covered in tiles. Lastly, make sure you have enough trash bags to dispose of any trash or debris that accumulates throughout the day. You’ll be amazed at what you uncover!

Prepare the House

Deep cleaning your house can be a daunting task, but it’s possible to do it in one day if you prepare and organize effectively. Taking the time to plan ahead of time and gather the necessary cleaning materials will make the day of deep cleaning much smoother.

Make sure to designate each room or area of the house that you want to tackle and list out the tasks and supplies needed to complete the job. Setting a timeline and checklist to keep yourself on track will help to ensure that you finish the job in one day.

To prepare for this deep cleaning, you should:

  • Designate each room or area of the house that you want to tackle.
  • List out the tasks and supplies needed to complete the job.
  • Set a timeline and checklist to keep yourself on track.

Move furniture

When deep cleaning your home, one of the most important steps is to move out furniture. As much as possible, shift furniture away from walls and pull out heavy items like sofas and armchairs. This will give you better access to all the surfaces that need to be cleaned, such as windowsills, baseboards, and corners of the room.

For larger items of furniture that can’t be easily moved on your own, use a broom and furniture sliders to scoot them several inches away from the wall. Don’t forget to remove rugs or carpets too; they should be beaten outside or vacuumed thoroughly before they are replaced.

You may want to take this opportunity to give your living room a new look. Rearrange some of your furniture so it can take up unused space in the room or create a better flow from one area to another.

Clear clutter

Whether your house is undergoing a deep clean for the first time, or you’re needing a refresher from your regular cleaning used in day to day life, clearing clutter is a great place to start. Take some time to go through each room and make sure anything that doesn’t belong there, gets returned to its home. Don’t be afraid to donate or throw away things you no longer use. This will give each area an open, fresh start that you can use as your foundation for a successful deep clean. In addition, it will also cut down on the amount of dust or dirt collected in areas where extra items are stored.

Start by removing:

  • Old towels
  • Clothes that no longer fit
  • Papers and magazines
  • Unused furniture
  • Books and toys (keep only what is necessary)
  • Unused kitchen ware
  • Broken items

Then, once this space is cleared start searching for items like throw rugs and decorative cushions that should be washed right away in preparation for the upcoming deep cleaning tasks.

Dust surfaces

Before you start cleaning your house, it’s important to dust all surfaces to ensure that airborne dust particles and debris won’t stick to any of your freshly cleaned surfaces. Begin with the highest surface in the room and work your way down.

Tables, shelves, fan blades and other furniture tops should be dusted first; then you can move onto the baseboard sides, windowsills, curtains/blinds/shutters, picture frames and wall decorations. Pay extra attention around electrical outlets, door knobs and light switches because they hold onto more dust due to their frequent use.

Once they have been adequately dusted off with a microfiber cloth or a dampened cloth with mild soapy water (use diluted vinegar for wooden items), make sure to vacuum or sweep floors last; this will help prevent any trapped dust from becoming airborne again when you start vacuuming or sweeping.

Clean the Kitchen

The kitchen is often the busiest and most used room in a house, so it can get pretty dirty, quickly. Deep cleaning it can be a daunting task and may seem impossible, but with some organization and the right plan, you can clean your kitchen in one day! Let’s discuss some tips and tricks for deep cleaning the kitchen in a single day:

Wipe down counters

When you’re cleaning the counters, don’t forget to get into the nooks and crannies; it will help ensure a thorough job. Start by clearing all items off your countertops, and then give them a good spray with an all-purpose cleaner. Get every corner, beneath cabinets and around the sink. If necessary, use a toothbrush or stiff brush to scrub away stuck-on bits of food or debris.

Rinse with a damp cloth and dry with a clean towel. Don’t forget to give any tile backsplashes around sinks or stoves an extra scrubbing too – this can help prevent buildup of grime over time. Finally, to deodorize your kitchen surface, try adding lemon juice to your cleaner for a natural scent that will leave your counters smelling fresh.

Clean appliances

Aside from the usual sweeping, dusting and mopping, there are many other elements in cleaning a kitchen. All appliances need to be addressed when cleaning the kitchen. Arrange all items on the refrigerator and wipe down all surfaces with warm water, a mild soap and a damp microfiber cloth. Remove any shelves from the refrigerator and hand wash them in warm soapy water.

Next, de-grease any grimy surfaces with an all-purpose detergent or degreaser before scrubbing them with an abrasive sponge for tougher stains.

Similarly, the stovetop needs attention as does the oven, microwave and dishwasher both inside and out. Be sure to inspect seals across all items – seals harbour bacteria growth which can result in bad odours and deteriorate your appliance over time.

Voraciously remove any build-up of food particles or grime with a damp microfiber cloth while ensuring you pay close attention to range hoods as accumulated grease could cause a fire hazard if not cleaned regularly.

For countertops use an all-purpose cleaner along with bacterial wipes that can sanitize dirty areas that have high levels of bacteria such as door handles and faucets knobs throughout your kitchen area – this will help reduce cross contamination of germs during meal preparation times!

Lastly take some time to thoroughly clean small appliances like blenders, coffee makers or microwaves by first running them through their self-cleaning cycles (if possible) then carefully wiping down each surface using soapy water before air drying everything back into place!

Mop the floor

Once all the surfaces have been wiped down, you can move onto mopping. Begin by sweeping the floors to remove dirt and dust from the surface. To preserve the finish of your wood or tile floor, use a cleaning solution specifically designed for that type of surface. You should always read and follow product instructions before use.

If you are using a steam mop, fill it with distilled water or a cleaning solution suggested by the manufacturer of your mop.

If you prefer to mop with hot water and soap, choose a gentle product not containing any harsh chemicals or abrasives. For a homemade solution, mix 1/4 cup white vinegar in 1 gallon of warm water—vinegar is a natural disinfectant and will help fight bacteria left behind after any spills or messes were made throughout the day.

Mop in sections starting with an outward spiral pattern from one corner of the room. Rinse out your mop as you progress across each area so that excess moisture does not build up as this could lead to slipping hazards as well as future mold issues in certain rooms such as bathrooms and kitchens.

Clean the Bathroom

Starting with the bathroom is essential when it comes to deep cleaning your house in one day. You should begin by cleaning the sink, toilet and tub, then move on to wiping down the counters and scrubbing the floors. Make sure to get into all the nooks and crannies and don’t forget to clean the shower curtains and windows. After that, you can move on to the other rooms in the house.

Here is a checklist of tasks to complete when deep cleaning your bathroom:

  • Clean the sink
  • Clean the toilet
  • Clean the tub
  • Wipe down the counters
  • Scrub the floors
  • Clean the shower curtains
  • Clean the windows

Disinfect surfaces

One of the most important parts of deep cleaning your bathroom is disinfecting its surfaces. Before disinfecting, you should first remove any dust, dirt and grime from surfaces with a damp microfiber cloth. For truly stubborn grime and soap scum, use an all-purpose cleaner or mild detergent with a bit of elbow grease. Once every surface is reasonably clean and free from visible residue, wipe it down with a diluted mixture of water and bleach or disinfectant to kill any germs that may be lingering.

Be sure to focus on areas that are touched often such as the sink, tub and shower knobs, toilet handle, soap dispenser and towel rods; they are more likely to have build up germs. Also pay close attention to those small nooks and crannies that can hide stubborn dirt and grime; they won’t do much good unless you give them some extra attention too!

Scrub the tub and shower

Starting with the tub and the shower, make sure all of the curtains, rugs and other linens are removed. Fill a bucket with hot water and add a mild detergent like dish soap or milky bathroom cleaner to it. Dip an old toothbrush into the bucket and use it to scrub away any mold or mildew around the edges of the shower walls or doors. A small scrub brush can also be used for any tough spots that need additional cleaning power.

After you’ve finished scrubbing, rinse off the walls with a clean wet cloth and use an old towel to dry them completely. For any fixtures such as faucets or knobs, use your toothbrush to give them a good scrub and then rinse them thoroughly with water before drying them off with another cloth or towel. This will help make sure all grime sticks are gone!

Clean the toilet

Clean the toilet by following these steps:

  1. Empty the bowl of water, flush and repeat if necessary.
  2. Use a toilet cleaner to spray inside and around the bowl and allow to sit for five minutes.
  3. Scrub around the rim with a toilet brush.
  4. Use a towel or rag combined with cleaning solution to reach difficult spots and make sure all stray hairs or debris have been removed from the area.
  5. Clean the outside of the toilet using antibacterial soap or wipes, rinse off and then dry.

Clean the Bedroom

Cleaning the bedroom is essential if you want to deep clean your house in one day. Start by stripping the bed and putting the sheets in the washing machine. Assemble all the pillows and blankets as well so you can wash them too.

Then, dust off the surfaces and vacuum the carpets or rugs to make the room look and feel fresh again.

Change the sheets

Changing the sheets is one of the quickest and easiest ways to give the bedroom a renewed sense of cleanliness. Start off by removing all of the sheets and blankets from your bed. Use a lint roller on them and any pillowcases to pick up any stray dust, pet hair or other debris. Wash all of the linens in hot water, with plenty of detergent, which will give them a nice clean smell. Allow them to dry at least partially before putting them back on the bed for maximum comfort and fluffiness.

After you’ve changed all of your sheets, you can vacuum or sweep beneath or around your bed if needed to pick up and extra dirt or dust.

Dust surfaces

When you start cleaning your bedroom, begin with the ceiling fan and any visible vents. Use a disposable duster to remove the dust and dirt that has been accumulating in these areas. You may want to wear gloves when dusting as it can make you sneeze or even cause skin irritations from particulates in the air.

Once the vents and fans are clean, move on to wiping down any walls that have dust or cobwebs. Use a microfiber cloth dampened with warm water and mild dishwashing liquid to remove dust, dirt, and debris from the walls. For more stubborn stains, use a magic eraser or vinegar solution (1 part vinegar/3 parts water). Be sure to rinse off with a clean cloth before continuing onto furniture surfaces.

Now is the time to tackle furniture surfaces such as bedside tables, dressers, desks, benches and chairs. Again use a microfiber cloth dampened with mild soap and warm water for general cleaning. To remove tougher marks from wood or polished surfaces mix 1 tablespoon of baking soda in 4 cups of warm water for an effective cleaner. Again rinse off with a clean cloth before you move onto cleaning surfaces like mirrors or windows where soap residue could cause streaking or staining of these materials over time if left behind.

Vacuum the floors

Vacuuming the floors of your bedroom is one of the most important tasks to complete during your deep clean. Use an attachment on the nozzle to gently clean corners and hard-to-reach areas around furniture. When you finish vacuuming, move any beds, armoires, or other large furniture and vacuum in underneath them. This will help keep dust from accumulating and also prevent small items from getting trapped underneath.

Vacuum under area rugs, carpets or throw rugs as well – this will pull up dirt and debris that can’t be removed when spot cleaning. Finally, use the handheld attachment or a damp cloth to remove dust from any surfaces like dressers, nightstands, bedframes or chairs that are not made of fabric such as wood or metal:

  • Dressers
  • Nightstands
  • Bedframes
  • Chairs

Clean the Living Room

Cleaning the living room is often the most time-consuming area to deep clean in a home. This is because it’s typically the most used room where people gather. Fortunately, with the right techniques and tools, deep cleaning the living room doesn’t have to take long.

Let’s take a look at how to quickly and effectively deep clean the living room in one day:

Vacuum the floors

Vacuuming the floors is the first step in deep-cleaning your living room. Vacuuming is best done with an upright vacuum cleaner, although you can use a handheld version if desired.

  • Start by removing any furniture that can be moved, to make sure all areas are reachable with the vacuum cleaner.
  • Slowly move from room to corner and ensure that you get into every crack and crevice.
  • Pay special attention to areas around windows and door frames, as well as under beds and chairs.
  • If possible, change the bag in your vacuum cleaner frequently since it will collect more dust than usual during a deep cleaning.
  • Afterwards, you can return any furniture moved or vacuuming performed, ensuring that all brush attachments have been removed from the floor area before doing so.

Dust surfaces

Dust is the enemy of all surfaces, so this step should be performed first. Dust helps create a layer of protection, so it’s important to start with dusting. Start by clearing any clutter and then use a microfiber cloth or duster to dust surfaces like windows, bookshelves, and coffee tables. If there’s an electrostatic furniture polish available, that can also help make your cleaning task much easier.

Be sure to clean tech items like computer screens and tablets as well as blinds and ceiling fans. Don’t forget the light fixtures too! Wipe them down thoroughly with a cloth dipped in warm soapy water.

Clean windows and mirrors

Windows and mirrors are attractive surfaces, making them ideal to shine up so that they sparkle. Start by dusting the window or mirror with a damp cloth. To avoid streaks use a glass cleaner made with water and white vinegar or fill a clean spray bottle with 2 parts rubbing alcohol to 1 part water. Spray it on the surface, then wipe off using newspaper for a streak-free finish.

For larger windows you should use tools for your windows that get into any tight spaces. Window squeegees eliminate drips and reverse sides/rubber blades help keep the squeegee clean from dirt and dust picked up from previous strokes when wiping down your window or mirror. When cleaning these surfaces you should also make sure that you press firmly on the rubber blade at each end of the stroke to create an even supply of cleaner across its entire length. Additionally, make sure you don’t leave too much cleaner on the cleaning surface for extended time periods as this could cause streaking or staining on your glass surfaces over time.

Finishing Touches

Now that you have thoroughly cleaned every room in your home, it’s time for the finishing touches. These last few steps can help bring your house up to a higher level of cleanliness and really make it shine. From vacuuming to polishing surfaces, we will cover some of the best practices to get your home squeaky clean in no time:

  • Vacuum all carpets and rugs.
  • Dust all surfaces.
  • Wipe down all visible surfaces.
  • Clean all windows.
  • Polish all surfaces.
  • Mop all hard floors.

Vacuum the stairs

Vacuuming the stairs is one of the finishing touches that can help to deep clean the house in no time. Start at the top and work your way down, focusing on corners and edges. You might want to use a crevice tool or hose attachment to get into tight spaces, and move furniture away from your path as you make your way down. If you’re using a standard vacuum with bag or canister, be aware of how much weight it can lift without damaging the motor.

Take extra care with delicate materials such as upholstery or rugs to avoid snagging or tearing the fabric. Also, consider if any cleaning chemicals are necessary for specific materials prior to vacuuming them. It is recommended that you change bags periodically and clean filters regularly in order to ensure proper operation of your vacuum cleaner. To minimize dust particles in the air that may cause allergies, make sure you have a good-quality filtering system installed on your vacuum cleaner as well.

Wipe down doors and door frames

To complete your deep clean, the final touch is to wipe down any doors and door frames. This will remove any buildup of dust and dirt from around the entranceways in your house. Start at the top of the door frame and work your way down, thoroughly wiping away all dirt as you go.

When you reach the door itself, use a damp cloth with some all-purpose cleaner or a mild detergent to remove any marks or smudges from its surface. If there are fingerprints or grease spots on the paintwork, you may need to use a mild scrubbing brush to lift them off. Once this is done, you can give everything one final polish with a dry cloth until it shines like new!

Clean light fixtures

Light fixtures are the often forgotten but highly important pieces of home decor that require regular attention. To get them truly clean, you will want to start by vacuuming any light shades or screens you have, as this will remove build-up of dust and dirt. Vacuum slowly in an up-and-down motion so as not to knock any of the dust onto other surfaces.

Once vacuuming is complete, it’s time for a deeper clean. Grab an old, soft rag (preferably white), some warm water, and some gentle dish soap. Dip the rag into the solution and then wipe down all visible surfaces on your light fixtures (particularly visible around the edges). This should remove any dirt and grime that built-up over time and provide your light fixture with a thorough cleaning.

When wiping down your lights, take special caution not to use excessive force as some fixtures may be made of glass or delicate metal and could easily break under pressure. Once each surface has been wiped down, turn on any fans or air conditioning devices in the room to speed up drying time so you can move along with other deep cleaning tasks quickly.


Deep cleaning your home is a great way to make it shine and feel fresh. With the right techniques, you can quickly get rid of dust, dirt, and grime from all areas of your house. From vacuuming carpets to wiping down doors and light fixtures, there are many simple steps that will help bring out the best in any space. Remember to use gentle products when cleaning delicate surfaces such as upholstery or glass so as not to damage them in the process. When done properly, deep cleaning should leave your home looking spotless and feeling brand new!

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